For several years now, I have completed most if not all my Christmas shopping before Dec. 1st. Last year I didn't even step foot into a store. I did all my shopping online, taking advantage of sales. I used all FREE Shipping sites, so that I didn't incur shipping costs. It was fun for 8 weeks leading up to Christmas, because we were getting packages nearly everyday delivered at the house. I had to inform everyone that they were NOT to open a single package since it might be their gift. The suspense almost did them all in.
Well, we got started this week doing our shopping. I have ordered a few online and will await their arrival. But we also did some store shopping this evening. We draw names on 2 of the 4 Family Christmas' we have. Each are "themed" gifts, one is Books (get a book or books for your name) and the other is Flowers (gift must contain a flower of some sort). The flower one has me a little stubbed as we have a $10 - $15 price limit. That is why I am store shopping.
I told my Knight tonight that I am determined to have my presents all bought and wrapped by Dec. 1...He agreed so now you know where all my focus will be for the next couple of weeks.
Are you a Christmas shopper all year long? Do you have a strategy? Do you enjoy the hunt of that one special gift? Do you like the hustle and bustle of shopping from Thanksgiving to Christmas Eve? Or do you like to get it done before the crowds begin?
Happy Shopping!
ummm.... I just like to shop!! HaHa! Actually, I like going to the stores and seeing everything and then making my decision on what to get. But I don't enjoy it when the stores are too crowded and pushy so we try to get most of ours done before about early/mid Dec. so we beat all the last minute shoppers who are goin crazy.
I do both online and store shopping. I've got most of it done, but there's still some to do and my goal is to be finished by Dec 1st as well. All of your online shopping reminds me of my mom. She does nearly all of her shopping by catalog and is always finished by now. And of course everyone has standing orders to not open any packages when they come;)
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